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Capacity Building Program

The Government of Uganda approved €330M for the 215km Malaba – Kampala meter project which aims to improve freight connections particularly between the capital city of Uganda and the country’s eastern border with Kenya and also reduce the cost of transport and traffic congestion. This project is scheduled to be completed in 3 Phases.


Phase 1 – Emergency Phase is funded by Spanish Government through Export association and will cost €28M and will include;

  • Preliminary engineering design of a Kampala Multi Modal hub.
  • Detailed engineering design for refurbishment of Kampala – Namanve, Tororo – Malaba Railway line.
  • Capacity Building of URC Staff and a Project Management office.
  • Refurbishment of Kampala – Namanve and Tororo – Malaba Line (28Km)
  • Contractor – M/S Imathia Cosntruccion
  • Consultant – M/S Consultrans


Phase 2 – Funded by African Development Bank at a cost of €302M and includes;

  • Preparatory stage which includes an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment study (ESIA) and a preliminary engineering design study.
  • Purchase of workshop equipment and Rolling stock (Locomotives and wagons)
  • Refurbishment of Namanve – Tororo, Port Bell line, Jinja Pier line and Kampala – Kyengera Railway line
  • Construction of passenger halts and hubs.
  • Railway reserve fencing
  • Procurement of Wagon Ferries
  • Procurement of DMUs for passenger services
  • Rehabilitation of Coaches among others
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