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Uganda Railways Corporation Resettlement Action Plan for Malaba – Namanve MGR Line Report Vol 1 May 2022

This document presents the RAP (Vol I) for the proposed Rehabilitation of the Kampala-Malaba, Kampala-Port Bell and Kampala-Nalukolongo-Kyengera Metre Gauge Railway lines (Between Kampala- Tororo Districts) totaling to 282.17 km. This Volume (i.e. Vol I) relates specifically to Malaba-Namanve Section of the MGR line. Volume II will focus on the Kampala and Wakiso areas of the line which will include Kampala – Port Bell, Namanve –Nalukolongo – Kyengera lines.

The URC MGR lines rehabilitation project is to be financed by the African Development Bank (AfDB). The African Development Banks’s Operational Safeguard No. 2 on Involuntary Resettlement requires preparation of a RAP to address concerns related to involuntary resettlement and or the loss of assets or livelihood incomes as a result of the execution of the project. The document gives a description of the National legislation and AfDB policy on involuntary resettlement and compensation, looks at and assesses likely impacts, computation of compensation for loses by Project Affected Persons and the total budget for compensation. The document also provides institutional arrangements for RAP implementation, implementation mechanisms and schedules as well as processes designed for grievance redress, monitoring and evaluation.

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