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URC Environmental & Social Impact Assessment Malaba – Kampala MGR Line

Uganda Railways Corporation (URC) conducted an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment for the proposed Rehabilitation of the Kampala – Malaba, Kampala – Port Bell, Kampala – Nalukolongo – Kyengera and Jinja – Jinja Pier Metre Gauge Railway line (from Kampala to Tororo Districts) and presented for approval to NEMA as one of the requirements for similar projects under the National Environment Act 2019 and the National Environment Impact Assessment Regulations, 2020.

As NEMA, we certify that this Environmental and Social Impact Statement for the proposed Rehabilitation of the Kampala – Malaba, Kampala – Port Bell, Kampala – Nalukolongo – Kyengera and Jinja – Jinja Pier Metre Gauge Railway line (from Kampala to Tororo Districts) has been conducted and compiled under our direction and supervision.

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